Mathematical Models
This is the classic book of detailed instructions for making a wide variety of mathematical models of all kinds. Complete nets are given for all regular Archimedean and stellated polyhedra together with a number of interesting compounds. There are sections on paper folding, dissections, curve stitching, linkages, the drawing of loci and envelopes and the construction of plane tessellations. The volume is fully illustrated with diagrams and photographs of models in paper and other materials and all have been successfully made and tested.
Note, Cundy and Rollett provides a wider range of nets but not in ready-made form. For books that provide the nets and instructions to make various solids, look at Make Shapes 1, Make Shapes 2, and Paper Polyhedra in Colour.
“I entered this book for the first time in 1995. The practical knowledge and joy it gave me is indescribable. I lost it a few years back and have just ordered a replacement: this is the first and only book I have done this with. A great book. Buy it if you can read.” Amazon review, 2014