Junior Mini Mathematical Murder Mysteries
16 activities to stretch and engage ages 8-11
"Excellent, highly recommended, my class love it." Teacher, Devon
Getting - and keeping - kids curious and exploring mathematics is not easy. Doing so in an interesting way that doesn't take too much time is even harder. Yet is vital - the foundations of mathematics need to be solid at this age for future enjoyment and success.
With this key stage requiring consolidation and development of number skills, and introduction of new concepts, it's important that consolidation activities are enjoyable and not dull. So how does the book work?
- Using an easy to follow format, kids "solve" the mystery
- Correct answers reveal who/what/where/when a murder is committed.
- Eagerness find out keeps them working, reinforcing and revising as they do.
- It's self marking! All you have to do is check the correct answer has been reached.
- Contents cover key topics in Arithmetic. Number and early Algebra, Angle and Shape, Money, Coordinates and other investigative topics are also included.
Finding tried and tested ways of teaching and learning that are fun is hard and takes time. Tarquin has over 50 years experience of providing enrichment activities to teachers, students and parents.
This book is also in Tarquin Select packages with 100s of other resources for a small fee.