Mindful Maths - Algebra: Contents

Contents include 15 Activities - buy the book or ebook and receive all 15 on the purchase page using the link at the base of the page.

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 1 – Simplifying Equations

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 2 – Substitution 1

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 3 – Substitution 2

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 4 – Solve the Equation 1 (unknown on one side)

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 5 – Solve the Equation 2 (unknown on both sides)

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 6 – Solve the Equation 3 (quadratic equations by factorising) 

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 7 – Sequences 1 (linear)

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 8 – Sequences 2 (quadratic and other types)

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 9 – Functions

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 10 –Inequalities (linear and quadratic)

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 11 – Linear Graphs

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 12 – Proportion

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 13 – Simultaneous Equations

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 14 – Completing the Square

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Mindful Maths Algebra – 15 – Solve the Equation 4 (quadratic formula)

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