Geometrical Quilts
The world of beautiful mathematical diagrams has been explored by Pat Storey. From the fascinating variety of fractals, spirals and more, she has created a series of stunning quilts.
The book contains patterns and detailed instructions for the making of fourteen small quilts; with diagrams and guidance for the construction of four styles of fullsize quilts, using the small quilts as blocks.
Logarithmic Spiral
Baravelle Spiral
Archimedean Spiral
Sierpinskis Triangle
Pythagorean Tree
von Kochs Snowflake
Lutes of Pythagoras
Rotational Symmetry
Reflective Symmetry
Penrose Tiling
Fibonacci Series
Perspective and Optical Illusion
Many different techniques have been used in the making of the quilts, including strippiecing, templates, foundation paper piecing and English paper piecing. Although the individual quilts are very different from one another, the similarity of borders and cornerstones gives a visual connection to the group.
Pat found that many mathematical patterns lent themselves to being made into quilts; and there are many more out there to be found. One reason for her presenting these quilts in book form is the hope that even those who profess to hate mathematics will fall under the spell of the patterns. Whatever the case, there is absolutely no need to understand the theory behind the design in order to enjoy making the quilts.
Within the series there is a range of difficulty, from those suitable for competent beginners that is with some knowledge of techniques up those for quilters who want to try something more challenging than usual.