Operation Order!
Fun Ways to Learn and Practice the Order of Operations
Knowing the order in which arithmetical operations take place needs to be instinctive for students - starting to learn about them in upper primary school and consolidating until the age of 14. Ensuring understanding and fluency among students is vital.
Yet how to keep them interested and involved when checking understanding and reinforcing?
This book provides a series of photocopiables that bring to the teacher - or parent - invaluable options:
- including worked examples, questions and some lovely puzzles.
- dispelling any myths and misunderstandings concerning the order of operations
- fostering an enjoyment of problem and puzzle solving.
John Enock, the author, is a renowned published puzzler as well as a mathematics teacher of many years' experience. His Cryptic Cross Numbers is also published by Tarquin.
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Also available in the Tarquin Select packages Growing Mathematically and Emerging Mathematician - online collections of printable ebooks for different ages. Pay a tiny fee annually or monthly for a wide range of resources.